Find out how one of our clients achieved 29% growth in sales by using our services

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Growth in

Increasing sales by 29% is possible with a data-driven content marketing strategy. Below we share some of the strategies and tactics we used to achieve the goal.

* For reasons of confidentiality, we will refer to the client as the brand, the company or our client.

Marketing de contenidos y crecimiento en ventas

In 2018 we began to work with a brand specialised in offering comprehensive office furniture solutions that sought to strengthen its position in the market.

By that date, reaching thier target audience was not being as effective as they wanted. The brand had little digital presence and the visits to its page were not very high. For this reason, the company decided to look for alternatives to improve their presence on the Internet, boost sales, and conversions.

One of its main objectives was to change the traditional perception that users had about the company. They wanted to become an innovative and cutting-edge brand, as well as attract and captivate new audiences of architects and office project managers.

With that goal in mind, we began working together to create a value-added content strategy that would help them connect with her audience.

The problem we found

At that time, our client had a marketing strategy focused on showcasing their products and services; in other words, their entire strategy was only advertisements. While this is an important strategy for any business, today's consumers not only come to brands to buy, but also to learn and get informed. That is the reason why content marketing has become a successful strategy.

With it, we can offer valuable content to the audience, something especially important for the youngest such as millennials and centennials, who are the main target audience of this client. In addition to educating the audience, with content marketing, brands can position themselves as experts, increase customer loyalty, improve their brand positioning and obtaining many other benefits.

What we did

To successfully implement this strategy, it is essential to follow a few steps, mainly knowing the audience in depth. We adopt a comprehensive solution in which we first developed the content marketing strategy based on the content consumption data of the target audience. Additionally, we define the brand's content territory, content verticals, formats, and keywords.

Additionally, at Castleberry Media we have a method that allows us to discover key information for brands such as:

  • What the best in your industry in the world do.
  • What are the most successful contents of your category in the world.
  • Which topics are the most successful contents in the world for your niche.
  • How the best positioned content is written. the interests of your audience and what they are looking for.
  • Who creates content for your audience.

Once this was done, we carried out a monthly program -still in progress- of content production based on the data-collected. We have recently started optimising the contents of the brand with True Content®, our AI-powered tool. Additionally, we work together with industry experts, who review the texts produced to ensure that the information is accurate, current and relevant to the brand's audience.

Once the content is ready, we distribute it natively in the main digital media. consumed by the target audience.

Estrategia caso de estudio marketing de contenidos

How did we do it?

After identifying the general audience of the brand and analysing the relevant media, clients, prospects and competitors, we create specific content for its target audience, which are the specifying architects and project managers.

To position the brand according to the different stages of the sales funnel, initially we created some content for the bottom of the funnel. One of these pieces was Eight keys to choose the best supplier, which aimed to help the audience that had already considered the brand as an option to make the decision to buy. These contents helped the company to move its prospects towards the sale.

Subsequently, we created a lot of content for the top of the funnel, with articles such as How to design the ideal office? or The psychological impact of remote work, to start positioning the page in Google and in the minds of the audience. That has been our central objective until 2021; In 2022 we are going to use some technological tools such as Mindpath, which allows us to use content to guide our actions to companies that show interest in our client.

Moreover, the content we produce at Castleberry Media for our clients is evergreen. This type of content does not lose relevance over time and therefore can constantly attract traffic to the website. These posts are ideal for increasing search engine rankings for months or years. For this reason, we consider evergreen content to be the foundation of a good long-term content marketing strategy.

Our Results?

Currently, the client does some events and guidelines during the year. However, its main marketing strategy is based 90% on content marketing. Thanks to the fact that the brand has been creating valuable content for its audience for several years, it is increasingly better positioned in search engines such as Google.

In the past, the company did not receive requests for quotes online. Now that its digital presence has increased and the brand has become more visible, the result has been positive. It currently trades more than $1.5 million per quarter in online applications.

Success is reflected in your sales. Between 2018 and 2019, the company increased its sales by 29% as a result of the content strategy, as well as other marketing initiatives. Today three months' sales are enough to pay for a year's content marketing strategy.

Over the years, their visits have grown substantially. Thanks to the native distribution of content, from 2018 to 2020 it accumulates more than 75,000 visitors to the content of its blog. With the articles created, posts were also extracted for social networks, with which excellent results have been achieved. Their visits have grown by 250% and the engagement of the audience has had an average growth of over 150%.


The objective of the brand is to continue growing and strengthening its audience. Therefore, our next task is to help them create an online community to engage their target audience with content specific to their niche. Currently, this community is made up of twenty B2B companies, which were initially attracted with the general content strategy.

At the beginning of our commercial relationship, the company had doubts regarding the content marketing strategy, especially due to the time that this type of initiative usually takes. However, he gave us a vote of confidence that has been fruitful for both parties. Now the company connects more deeply with its audience and its audience feels that the brand understands them and offers them useful and relevant content, which translates into higher sales. This is evidenced by the growth of EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) of 8%.

In Castleberry we help brands persuade their audiences with content marketing. To better understand how we support the growth of medium and large companies, please contact us at

Whether you're a brand looking to elevate your content strategy or a professional seeking to join our dynamic team, we’d love to hear from you. 

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