Content Marketing Glossary: +40 definition

Content Marketing
March 29, 2022

Digital marketing is a rapidly growing industry, which means there are plenty of new terms to learn. In fact, learning never stops, and it's hard to keep up with all the new trends.

 This is why this glossary will help you better understand content marketing in simpler terms:

ABM (Account Based Marketing): Account Based Marketing is a strategy that selects a brand's potential customers and runs campaigns to attract them.

A/B testing: type of testing that allows you to compare two versions of the same strategy and check which of the two is more effective. 

Backlinks: links strategically placed in a text to redirect the reader to another website of interest (or their own). Its objective is to increase the site's traffic or redirect it to a Landing Page

Black hat SEO: SEO techniques and strategies that do not meet search engine standards and for which a website can be penalized. 

BOFU (bottom of the funnel): last phase of the funnel. At this level, potential customers already have the brand as a possible option and are interested in the product/service. To turn them into customers, the brand must create personalized content: free trials between 3-7 days, product demonstrations, consultancies, etc. 

Brand advocate: create loyal "fans" to the brand so that they can spread it through every communication channel.

Buyer persona: a profile that represents the target audience of a business. With a buyer persona it is possible to know what the audience is like, what they need, what content they consume, etc., in order to apply strategies based on its interests.

Buzz marketing: marketing strategy that seeks to cause an impact and attract users so that they comment by "word of mouth" about a brand. The objective is to make a product or service viral and, therefore, increase sales.

Content curation: technique by which specific and relevant information is searched, collected, filtered, and selected on the internet. The goal is to disseminate it in an up-to-date and more accurate way to an audience.

Content formats: different ways of presenting content. For example, infographics, texts, videos, e-books, podcasts, webinars, etc.

Content intelligence: new marketing strategy that uses artificial intelligence software to enhance a brand's content marketing. 

Content marketing: content creation as a strategy to attract a certain audience. The contents can be published on different channels, such as blogs, YouTube, social media, etc. 

Conversion: moment in which the lead performs an action that favors the marketing plan and leads to the acquisition of a product or service of the brand. Examples of actions are registering, buying, subscribing, etc. 

Copywriting: the process of writing persuasively to attract potential clients or future buyers. Good copywriting must attract attention and persuade the reader to fulfill the objective of the marketing strategy. 

Cornerstone content: most relevant content of a blog or a website that summarizes the identity of a brand. 

CTA or Call to Action: direct message that instructs the reader to perform a specific action. It is important to achieve a good interaction with the target audience and obtain a positive conversion rate.

Call to action

Data-driven-content: strategy that collects all the information obtained from the profile of a client (or potential client) and based on it, organizes, processes, and creates effective content marketing campaigns. 

E-Book: books in digital format. They have variable content and are almost always free.

Engagement: degree of affinity and positive engagement of the target audience with a brand. High engagement offers more interactions, inspires trust, and leads to better conversions. 

Evergreen content: content that lasts over time. It adds value to the user and attracts visits regardless of the date it was published.

Hashtag (HT): word preceded by a symbol (#). It is a system for grouping similar contents that use the same HT. It is very popular on platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. 

Inbound marketing: set of strategies to attract qualified traffic to a website through familiarization and trust with the brand.

Infographics: type of graphic content that presents information on a topic through images, graphs, illustrations, and short texts.

Keyword: words or phrases that users type in search engines to find information of interest. Its strategic use helps optimizing a website.

KPI (Key Performance Indicator): metrics or indicators that measure the performance of a process in a marketing strategy.

Landing page: page within a website that aims to capture leads or create sales prospects. A user “lands” on a landing page when they click on a link (or button) in a post, guide, banner, or ad, etc. 

Lead: user who has given his data to a company and is part of a database. The company can interact with the user through email marketing. 

Lead magnet: free quality content offered to website visitors in exchange of their personal data. 

Link baiting: SEO strategy to get external links organically by creating quality content that attracts the attention of users. The objective is that other websites want to share and link to that content.

Link building: strategy to get external links to your own website. It can be done with press releases, sponsorships or guest posts. 

Link juice: SEO technique whose objective is to transfer relevance to different URLs through internal links. 

Meta tags: small descriptions of a content in the programming of a website or a blog. It is the first thing the reader sees in the search engine results. 

Metrics: data used to measure, compare, and assess the efficiency of all the processes of a marketing campaign. 

MOFU (middle of the funnel): second stage of the sales funnel. In it, the potential customer searches for all the existing purchase options. In this phase, a more complete (and harder to obtain) content must be offered in exchange of user information. The goal is for visitors to see the brand as a good option to purchase the product or service.

Newsletter: electronic bulletin to which a user voluntarily subscribes to receive recurring information on a topic of interest to their email address.

Organic reach: the number of users and impressions that come directly to the different channels in a free and natural way.

Sales funnel: staged processes through which a company manages different users intending to make them fulfill a single final objective, such as converting customers, capturing leads, or closing sales.  

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): optimization of a website to appear in the first results of search engines such as Google or Bing.


SEM (Search Engine Marketing): planning and execution of campaigns and paid advertising links in search engines. 

Storytelling: strategy that captures the attention of a target audience through a story. Thanks to this technique, a brand can engage its audience, position itself in the memory of users and create links with customers and prospects.

TOFU (top of the funnel): first phase of the sales funnel. This is where potential customers realize they have a need. At this stage, the content should be focused on attracting as many visits as possible. For this purpose, e-books, posts, webinars and, in general, any free content can be used.

True Content: Castleberry Media's tool that analyses and identifies the consumption preferences of a target audience; it shows what the ideal customer wants to read, where to find it, and how to create and distribute it. Consequently, True Content allows content marketing strategies to be adapted and optimized according to this data.

Viral reach: the number of users and impressions that arrive due to the actions and recommendations of other people. 

White hat SEO: set of techniques that are considered ethical, transparent, non-penalizable and that follow the rules imposed by search engines (such as Google) to position a website.

Basic concepts

Blog: website where written content on different topics is published and shared. Its main benefit is the interaction and closeness with the readers, since they can comment or share the articles on social media.

Content: any source of information in the digital medium. 

Email marketing: mass sending of emails to a database made up of leads and customers. The objectives of this strategy are various: communicate promotions, present a new product, take leads through a funnel, etc.

Post: In marketing, it is used to refer to different written content, either on social media or in blog posts.

This glossary features over forty definitions related to content marketing, serving as an introduction for both beginners and those looking to update their vocabulary and repertoire of ideas.


  • Use this glossary as a reference point whenever you come across unfamiliar terms like White hat SEO, buyer persona, etc.
  • Keep up with future trends and keep learning.

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